I need your help to change the world
Please click here to donate what you can and help me empower St. Jude to end childhood cancer! I need your help to change the world.
First, let me backtrack to how I know we actually can.
Let's take a little trip back to where my career began, in country radio. Country radio is a special industry for many reasons. Like its counterpart formats that make up the local radio spectrum it touches, engages, and connects communities in a way few other mediums can.
However, it also is home to an even deeper relationship that spans the nation. That relationship is one between country music (its artists, programmers, fans, stations, etc.) and St. Jude Research Hospital. In my time at KTTS-FM in Springfield, Missouri I learned that this connection was so much more than radiothons, community fundraisers and PSAs.
No, this connection was about the afternoon DJ that became the personal cheerleader for an Ozarks child battling Lymphoma.
This relationship was the programmers, like Curly Clark, who were moved to tears when visiting the St. Jude Research Hospital in Memphis.
It is the artist that forgets about the tours, screaming fans, and beer-filled after party to brighten the day of a child fighting a faceless enemy.
That relationship tugs at the most vulnerable parts of your soul and inspires you to take action. I had the privilege of running my first St. Jude event last year (April 2015) when Cash on KTTS-FM invited me to join Team KTTS. I took on the half-marathon, partially setting out for personal achievement.
What I came back with though was a sense of personal appreciation. The cheering families, patients and complete strangers that filled the weekend taught me it wasn't about a time at the finish line, it was about the journey to end a battle that so many kids never deserved to have to start.
A photo posted by ©hase Snide® (@chasesnider) on
This year I set out to do more and run the full marathon for St. Jude. I wanted the struggle, the challenge, and the opportunity to battle for St. Jude.
As life goes, a wisdom tooth surgery, dry socket, and work trip put me behind not only on my training but also on my fundraising.
For me, this is no longer about the miles or the medals. It is about getting the much needed resources to the world-renowned scientists at St. Jude working to find a cure for childhood cancer. Remember how I told you we could change the world? Here’s your chance.
I’m not asking you to throwdown a $1,000 or make a monthly donation.
I’m a first-time “adulter” too and know that sometimes we look at our bank accounts and wonder how we are going to buy milk this week.
However, I also know that my community has been blessed in a lot of incredible ways. I know that sometimes we buy things that are kinda silly like the “double shot white mocha” and cinnamon roll I grabbed on my way to work this morning. I’m simply asking you to consider setting a few of those slightly "sillier" things aside this week. Whether it’s the $5 you would spend on coffee or a beer, $26.10 to represent the miles, or a $100 because you believe in doing good by doing well, I thank you.
I do more than that actually, I celebrate you….because together we have the opportunity to change the world.
- Chase
Please click here to donate what you can and help me empower St. Jude to end childhood cancer!